11 February 2009


W4HOD will operate the club station in the CQ RTTY contest this weekend. KA4PKB, KF4OPX and AA4YL will be operating. Our goal is to be on the air most of the weekend and work as many stations as possible. As usual, our operation will be part of the Alabama Contest Group.

UPDATE 2/16/2009

The WPX contest was great fun and our score was pretty good too. Thanks to club member KI4KUT for the loan of the 80 meter dipole, it did a great job. Thanks also to Gene, KI4EEY for dropping by and operating. It was great to have you with us Gene.

QSOs 386
Points 909
Prefixes 203
Total Score 184,527

Operators: KF4OPX, KA4PKB, AA4YL and KI4EEY

Posted by AA4YL

10 February 2009

February Meeting

The meeting place for the February meeting was transferred to the Loachapoka Town Hall across from the club house. This was necessary due to plumbing maintenance at the club house.

We had a very good turnout in spite of not having our normal cooked meal and making it a brown bag affair. (well, actually two of us ate REAL well!) There was homemade peach cobbler and vanilla ice cream for all.

We were very pleased to have a visitor to the club. Gene Harlin, KI4EEY visited us and seemed to enjoy himself. We took Gene across the street to the clubhouse after the meeting and showed him around our station. We hope he will be back with us for the CQ RTTY contest this weekend and for our meeting in March. Welcome Gene!

Posted by AA4YL

08 February 2009

XE RTTY Contest

KI4KUT, KF4OPX, KA4PKB and AA4YL are operating the XE RTTY contest this weekend. So far we have had a lot of fun and I am headed back to the clubhouse to join KA4PKB in an hour to finish up the contest. A super thank you to member John, KI4KUT for the use of the 80 meter dipole for the XE contest and for the CQ WW contest next weekend. More added about the contest later today.

I am back home, I've had a nap and here is some data from the contest for W4HOD in the XE RTTY contest.

174 QSOS
459 Points
38 DX
16 XE States

Total multipliers: 54
Score: 24786

Posted by AA4YL

05 February 2009

Loachapoka Think Tank

Thursday usually means a gathering of the Loachapoka Think Tank (or Loachapoka Rat Pack, whichever you think is more fitting) at a local eating establishment in the Auburn-Opelika area. On Thursday, Feb 5, the lucky establishment was the cafeteria at the East Alabama Medical Center. The food was not bad, but the conversation is what made it great. We solved most of the worlds problems, but no one will listen to our solutions.

Yours truly was the only YL present, so I guess you could say I am the Angie Dickinson of the Loachapoka Rat Pack, but unfortunately, I sure as heck don't look like her.

Present today were KA4NDY, KA4PKB, W4KDS, KG4NYW, KI4TWB, WB4LNM and yours truly, AA4YL. Look out Lee County restaurants, we could be at your place next week.